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Midway improves spending ranking; Greenwood not so much

The Canadian Federation of independent Business prepares the BC Municipal Spending Watch report ranking municipal performance.
RCMP - Handgun seized

RCMP - Handgun seized

Suspect in attempted Rock Creek break-in wearing ski mask, black shirt
Long years of study ends in ordination

Long years of study ends in ordination

A special Eucharist Service will take place on Saturday in Grand Forks - the first by newly ordained Anglican priest Cathy Straume,
Invasive species not welcome

Invasive species not welcome

Twice each year the Boundary Invasive Species Society meets at the Midway Community Hall to plan and review their response to invasives.
Terrific Kids recognized

Terrific Kids recognized

West Boundary and Beaverdell Elementary students came together for a recognition assembly to mark their successes during term one.
Aboriginal art features thunderbird

Aboriginal art features thunderbird

An artist in residence program will see student-created Native Art tile murals going up in both BCSS & GFSS next month.
More safety disclosure urged for B.C.

More safety disclosure urged for B.C.

Duty to report in B.C. law for 20 years, but only used by police for release of dangerous offenders from custody
Highway speed limits, tire rules reviewed

Highway speed limits, tire rules reviewed

Transportation Minister Todd Stone is iinviting public input on changes to speed limits on rural highways and winter tire requirements
Victoria legislature dome moving, repair needed

Victoria legislature dome moving, repair needed

The B.C. legislature's signature copper-clad dome is 'beginning to twist, and that's a problem'.
Music draws complaints

Music draws complaints

How loud and how late - that was the question debated at the last fall fair meeting. A solution that all can live with is the goal.